The seeds planted on that day will have an impact on how they perceive you as an apartment manager.
Ok, so Reese and Tina have shown up for their move-in. Their move-in day was the Friday after the 1st and you did not have an opportunity to check the unit prior to their move-in. The make-ready board says it is ready so you’ll go with it.
While going through the lease, rules and regulations and addendums you notice a page missing (seed 1), plus there is a blank page where a printed page should be (seed 2). You apologize and quickly return with the corrected documents. Reese and Tina, although a bit stressed about this move, are excited and not concern about a couple of documents.
You begin the walk-through and show them where trash pick-up is and their mailbox. The keys to the mailbox do not work. Reese & Tina tell you they don’t expect their mail to be Transferred yet so it is not a big deal (seed 3).
You begin the walk-through and show them where trash pick-up is and their mailbox. The keys to the mailbox do not work. Reese & Tina tell you they don’t expect their mail to be Transferred yet so it is not a big deal (seed 3).
- A dead bug on the kitchen floor (seed 4)
- A drip pan is missing (seed 5)
- Two cover plates missing (seed 7)
- The cold air return vent is dirty (seed 9)
- Second bedroom is missing the mini blinds (seed 10)
- Dirt and debris on the patio or balcony (seed 11)
For each of these items you apologize and Reese and Tina are forgiving and understanding. When the move-in process is done, you part with smiles and a handshake.
Let me tell you what really has happened. Each time Reese & Tina experienced a single “non-perfect” item happened a “seed” was planted. They do not realize seeds were planted, but the seeds are there.
Three weeks after move-in they experience a problem with their dishwasher. Tina grabs her phone to call the office to report the dishwasher problem, and as she waits for an answer on the other end . . . the seeds grow! Grow and blossom into her level of confidence in the management , on if they can fix the dishwasher correctly and timely.
If you have residents with low patience/tolerance, they may have had “seeds” planted at move-in. If you couple that with a service request they needed a few weeks after move-in, and it was not completed to their satisfaction, then you may have created a monster!
The Treat’em R.I.T.E. program is a customer service program for apartment management. Treating your residents and prospects R.I.T.E. will have a positive effect on your day to day community operations.
R.I.T.E. stands for Respect, Interest, Thoughtful and enthusiasm
Linda Hansen, ARM, HCCP, NALP, L.E.A.D., NAAEI Faculty